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Create strong and secure random passwordsrandom string
password length
number of password to generate


Tips and rules for creating strong and secure random passwords

Password is a number of symbols that protect your account. Most people have troubles with creating a unique password. Here are some rules that help you secure your accounts.

  1. Don't use your address, post codes, telephone numbers, the dates of birth, insurance policy number in your passwords.

  2. Don't use the names of your pets.

  3. Don't use the vocabulary words that could be easily copied.

  4. Don't use the identical passwords for several important accounts.

  5. Don't safe your password in tag clouds.

  6. We recommend using the password with at least 16 symbols, including letters in different cases, numbers in random order and signs.

  7. Logging in a computer system using somebody else's computer or wi-fi, vpm you endanger your password.

  8. Your browser can offer you to safe the password. We strongly don't recommend you doing this. Such passwords could be easily detected.

  9. Don't use words that could be easily cloned or duplicated.

  10. Confidential data shouldn't be sent online by HTTP FTP. The information could be traced. We recommend using ciphered linking as HTTPS or SFTP.

  11. The password change should be done every 10 weeks. The password should be brand new. The adding of numbers at the beginning or at the end of the password doesn't count.

  12. You can protect your personal data in backup copies with the help of password. It helps prevent the disclosure of information that is in backups in cases of vulnerability of your external backup.

    The password used for protection of your backup can't be retrieved. So don't forget it. That's why we strongly recommend saving the list of your passwords of backup copies.

  13. We recommend creating VPN connection of remote access. VPN password must be changed several times a day. So, you are online via encrypted connection and portable TOR or OPERA installation downloaded from flash drive that will strengthen the security. If you are on your way, the alternative measure is to create an encrypted SSH tunnel between your router and PC (SSH (Secure Shell) – security program for remote control of the server). You can also use PuTTy- SSH-client and Telnet (Telnet is the same SSH but without encrypted data transfer (bursts)), i.e. the program for safe connection to the remote computer (or server) and command execution. PuTTy keeps logs, allows to setup the cypher, color and console definition, safe the keys for authorization, support the work via proxy server. In addition the utility program is free for distribution.

  14. To control the validity or your password and find out whether they are in rainbow tables (Rainbow tables are calculated in advance set of data which possesses hash functions made of numbers and letters combinations. If data points of hash function are known it is easy to find the relevant password). You need convert your passwords into the hash generator MD5 (MD5 - hash function, i.e. algorithm that is capable of transferring byte chain in 128 bit with some additional features:

    1. For the byte chain md5 is calculated one-valued

    2. The slightest changes of a chain leads to essential change of md5

    3. It particularly hard to collate the other chain with the similar md5. For instance, what if the mp5 of two files has coincided then it is possible to maintain that these files are equal. Or if some records haven't changed the md5 then it is possible to maintain that the record hasn't been changed either.

  15. We recommend encrypting of your data. There are a lot of programs for encrypting. If there is free 7-Zip program installed on your PC - an open source file archiver, an application used primarily to compress files, you can encrypt the data with its help. The program can create an archive 7z or ZIP using the encryption of data with AES with the key length of 256 bit. If you set the 11 symbol password it will be hard to hack your files even using up to date computer not mentioning the home PC.

  16. Two-phase authentication provides additional protection. Logging on you need state not only the password but special code sent to your phone.

  17. Using the significant sites like PayPal enter them via the tabs checking domain name. Before entering your password it would be useful to find out the level of popularity of the site using Alexa Toolbar, to make sure this site is not a phishing site.

  18. Use firewall and antivirus program to protect operational system, programs, applications and network devices. It is advisable to install the programs recommended by credible sites.

  19. The availability of hardware keylogger is of great importance. The gist of the device is simple. It registers the set of pressed buttons of the keyboard.

  20. Don't safe the users' passwords in the database. It is necessary to hash the passwords. Without hashing the passwords that are stored in your database they can be stolen.

  21. Using online paste and screen capture tools, don't let your password be downloaded into the cloud.